Sunday’s Meeting

June 23, 2024

Our Speaker: Johan Maurer

Johan and his wife Judy are recorded ministers in Sierra-Cascades Yearly Meeting, where Judy edits the Sierra-Cascades Monthly Newsletter.

They are also members of Camas Friends Church as well as Moscow Meeting in Russia.

Keep up with Johan via his weekly blog at

Message Title: Stayed on Freedom

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 3:4-6, 17-18

We host an “unprogrammed” worship service each Sunday at 8:45 am in the Fellowship Hall downstairs.

Our “programmed” worship begins at 10:00 am upstairs in the meeting room.  We also have a zoom connection for those who live outside our area. (below)

We enter our silent worship with reflection and revelation on how God is visible in our lives.  Our silent worship anticipates that those led by Christ’s spirit will share what is put on their hearts.  Through our silent worship we intentionally invite the Holy Spirit to infuse our connections individually and collectively.

On first Sundays of the month, a Community Potluck Meal is shared in the Fellowship Hall at rise of worship.

On third Sundays of the month, a Monthly Meeting for Business will begin at rise of worship.

On last Sundays of the month, a Book Study discussion group meets from 11:30 am-12:45 pm. This can be attended in person or via Zoom. For more information, see our Events tab.


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